Our Portfolio of Projects
Our social investments, grants and concessional loans, are the means to support our partners to achieve impact. We are eager to share this source of valuable experience .

Project / Rural development, Community development / Central America
La Asociación Comunitaria Unida por el Agua y la Agricultura
Improving livelihoods and finding a sense of equality amongst all

Project / Business Development / Central America
ADEL Morazán
Reuniting the population, unifying former opposing sides.

Project / Community Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy, Waste Management / Guatemala, Central America
Atitlán Recicla
Amigos del Lago Atitlán promotes Atitlán Recicla a women-led community recycling business that conserves the lake and provides employment opportunities to more than 1000 indigenous women.

Project / Community Entrepreneurship, Rural Development, Agriculture / Guatemala, Central America
Market Led Agriculture for Rural Communities
Asociación de Organizaciones de Los Cochumatanes (ASOCUCH) provides community-based organisations with training, tools and access to markets to promote better living conditions for the rural poor in Guatemala.

Project / Economic development, Food security / Central America
An organisation supporting rural communities in the dry corridor to implement climate and agricultural adaptive practices

Project / Venture Philanthropy / Africa
Landscape Study of Venture Philanthropy in Africa
AVPA is a Pan-African network for social investors interested in collaborating to increase the flow of capital into social investments in Africa for maximum social impact. The landscape study is the first research of the state of venture philanthropy in the region.

Project / Education / Ghana, West Africa
Opportunities in Higher Education Through Impact Investing
Brighter Investments provides flexible loans and mentorship to finance and support higher educational goals for motivated individuals living in vulnerable situations who would otherwise have no access to higher education.

Project / Youth Entrepreneurship, Rural Entrepreneurship / Guatemala, Central America
Innovative Youth Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas
Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural del Occidente (CDRO) is an organisation of Mayan origin that seeks to combat poverty in rural areas by supporting the development of sustainable rural businesses & entrepreneurship.

Project / Youth Entrepreneurship, Rural Development / Guatemala, Central America
EntreTodos. Savings and Entrepreneurship for Indigenous Youth
CODESPA works to provide integral solutions to organisations and individuals for income generation and economic security.

Project / Labour inclusion, food waste / Spain, Europe
Combatting Food Waste & Labour Exclusion Through a Social Business
Espigoladors promotes better food usage, by creating healthy meals and giving employment opportunities to those at risk of social exclusion.

Project / Social business / Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, East Africa
A Sustainable Model to Provide Access to Clean Drinking Water in Africa
Jibu capitalizes and equips emerging market entrepreneurs to create affordable access to drinking water and other necessities.

Project / Community Income Generation / Tanzanía, Ayalagaya and Arri Wards, Babati District, Manyara Region
Increasing financial security of rural households in Ayalagya and Arri Wards, Tanzania.

Training / Leadership, capacity building / Global, Online
Supporting Organisations to Manage their Operations in Times of Covid-19
In the midst of the COVID crisis, SCF asked its partners to share their experiences to facilitate knowledge sharing among partners and to make necessary adaptations to the support SCF provides to its partners.

Project / Job creation, affordable products & services / Kenya, East Africa
Job Opportunities for Youth and Women in Kenyan Slums
Livelyhoods creates job opportunities for youth and women in their own communities, transforming marginalised populations into clean energy distributors.

Project / Entrepreneurship / Tanzania, East Africa
Entrepreneurship Training & Farmers Support in Rural Babati
Livingstone Tanzania Trust provides training and financial support for rural communities in Babati to implement the changes they want to make to improve their education, sanitation and livelihoods.

Project / Youth Entrepreneurship, Social business / El Salvador
Increased sustainability of the youth violence prevention model of MOJE
Young Encounter Movement Association (MOJE) is the reference institution for youth inclusion and preventing youth from becoming gang members in eastern El Salvador, Ilobasco. The NGO works to create opportunities for young Salvadorans at risk; including entrepreneurial training, labour inclusion, social reintegration.

/ sustainable tourism, community development / Tanzania
Expanding income generation opportunities through sustainable tourism operations
Nomad Tanzania is leading the journey of sustainable travel and conservation in Tanzania. Their mission is to harness the power of Nomad to create life-enhancing opportunities.

Project / Social business, affordable products and services / Kenya, East Africa
High-quality Affordable Healthcare for Everyone
Penda Health Clinics operates a chain of medical centres in Nairobi, offering high-quality and affordable healthcare that patients can trust.

Project / Entrepreneurship, Business Development / Latin America and Southeast Asia
Reciprocity Fund
The Reciprocity Fund provides debt to social enterprises that build individual agency, community resiliency, and economic self-determination in indigenous communities.

Training / Small business growth / Global, Online
Supporting Opportunities for Small Business Growth
Small business growth can be challenging, particularly when entrepreneurs live in rural areas and lack a supporting ecosystem.

Project, Tools / Social business / Burkina Faso, West Africa
Biofuel Production as a Source of Farmer´s Income and Regenerative Agriculture
SolVert is a social business that produces organic specialty oils and biofertilisers that supplement farmers’ income & contributes to regenerative agriculture.

Project / Business Development / East Africa
SOMO Africa
Creating entrepreneurship support services targeted and designed for the vulnerable people

Project / Social business / Palestine
Digitising Market Access of Fairtrade Palestinian Handcrafts
Sunbula provides access to the market and income-generating opportunities for handicraft communities, preserving ancient techniques in Palestine.

Training / Tech and development, capacity building / Global, Online
Taking Your Offline Activity to the Online World.
7 things I Learned in Silicon Valley
Many impact first organisations have plans to integrate online/remote technology to deliver part of the services. The current situation triggered by COVID has accelerated the need to make some decisions in this respect.

Project / Education, Youth Entrepreneurship / East Africa
School Business Training for African Youth
Teach a Man to Fish equips educators in and out of school settings to help young people gain business and life skills through real youth-led businesses, empowering young people to succeed in school, work, and life.

Sponsorship / Social entrepreneurship / USA, Global
The Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Accelerating entrepreneurship to end global poverty and protect the planet

Project / Small business growth / Tanzania, East Africa
Promoting Growth of Small Businesses in Arusha
The Office aims to effectively address the needs of the "missing middle" in the Arusha area. Small local businesses with growth potential will have access to adequate capital and non-financial support.